hpv cervical dysplasia cin 3

How I Healed HPV 16 and Cervical Dysplasia Naturally – No LEEP Procedure, No vaccine!

Over the course of 2023 I began to have irregular cycles and began to bleed when I shouldn’t. After one particular episode in March my husband encouraged me to go to an OBGYN. As a home birthing mama, I had only seen midwives for more than a decade, so I had to do serious research to find a practitioner that had availability, and would at least somewhat respect my lifestyle and values. I found a doctor in South Austin, made an appointment and went in.

Immediately based on my symptoms they warned me I could have uterine or cervical cancer. They scheduled me for a cervical colposcopy and pap smear among many other tests. To my disbelief I was diagnosed with HPV 16 and Cervical Dysplasia, stage 3 (CIN3). This is one stage away from cancer.

I was informed that men can carry and spread HPV 16 but there is no test for it in men. It causes cancer in women who *can* be tested for it. I had my ex get tested at the end of our marriage when I found out about the infidelity and the risky promiscuous behavior with people of all genders, but because he was negative I didn’t proceed with a test of my own. I had been faithful.

Get Tested! It Can Save Your Life!

BE WARNED! YOU NEED TO GET TESTED EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN FAITHFUL AND YOUR PARTNER TESTS NEGATIVE FOR STDS! This could have literally killed me if I had not received the diagnosis when I did!

After researching the disease I discovered this is a very slow progressing illness. The Doctor told me that I had contracted the HPV likely a decade ago, approximately 2014, smack dab in the middle of my relationship with my ex. Because I hadn’t had an STD test, I had no idea this was happening, or slowly progressing into cancer. I *knew* something was wrong, though, I just didn’t know what.

I had told my current husband several times over the past few years that I thought the stress of my first marriage and subsequent legal battles were killing me. It was killing me, silently… Slowly. Most women show zero symptoms, but I believe the stress of family court and potential jail time for teaching my son to read caused my body to send some early warning signs.

The First Warning Sign – Missed by My Midwife

The first warning sign was missed by my midwife in 2021. I had an abnormal pap smear while pregnant with my Moon Child. Instead of having me tested for STDs, she told me to rest and stress less. She also insisted I spent less time driving (my ex had enrolled our older kids in a school over an hour away from me, requiring over four hours per day in a car).

So, I told my ex what the midwife had said. The midwife insisted I could have lost the baby if I had kept driving that much. I also told the children they would have to stay with their dad on more nights because I simply couldn’t risk losing the baby to drive them. This was the first time my ex threatened to have me held in contempt of court (I am ordered to drive the kids to WHATEVER school John picks, no matter how far away it is from either of us), when I refused to drive that far. He belittled me for telling the children the truth and REFUSED to work with me to create a schedule that worked for all of us. So I just… refused. I told him when I could drive and stuck to that.

He never actually filed anything in court, but he wasn’t above instilling the fear of the state in me to attempt to COERCE me during a very vulnerable time (pregnancy). I am not scared of these tactics anymore, and they have ceased since a Judge told him last winter that the first amendment protects me, and his attempts to have me put in jail would not be successful.

Finding Non Invasive Solutions

Of course the news of this diagnosis earlier this year was absolutely terrifying. I had to make the humiliating phone call to my ex-husband to inform him that his wife should be tested, and that he should have his other orifices tested because it can cause anal and throat cancer in men who engage in specific types of activities with people carrying the disease.

I suspect my immune system was very weak during my first marriage because of the hostility in our home. I have been working very hard on de-stressing my life so that my immune system can become more resilient and fight these things off before they progress to such horrible stages of disease.

I began to search for solutions all over the internet. I messaged friends, told them what was going on, and sought advice. Several friends of mine told me they had LEEP procedures in the past that would not do it in the future. I was not interested in having the end of my cervix cut off, even if the chance of complications are low, I still want to have another baby and I am not interested in creating any risk. I also felt the procedure was way too invasive for what I wanted to do to my body. I knew deep inside there had to be another way.

First I began to look into MMS, the Miracle Mineral Solution. This is a chlorine dioxide solution that is activated with citric acid. I read many wonderful results in telegram groups about using this substance to heal a variety of ailments. I am not selling this product, and I am not promoting this as any sort of medicine, nor am I making any medical claims — but I do want to share that MMS is a therapeutic modality that I utilized, with great success. There is a documentary called The Universal Antidote, I cannot recommend this documentary more! I watched it and read through all of the first hand accounts in the telegram chats, and decided I would try this out.

Catherine’s Cervical Dysplasia Protocol

  1. MMS I began with 10 activated drops in a red douche bag. I eventually worked my way up to 25 drops. I did 12 treatments before I began the next stage of my treatment plan.
  2. Acupuncture – I began weekly acupuncture in an attempt to open the healing channels in my body and to stimulate deep healing relaxation, and to lower my cortisol and other stress hormones in my body. I believe that this significantly helps my body to dispel the dysplastic cells, and the HPV more quickly.
  3. Escharotic Treatment – This is a process done by a practitioner – heated bromelaine followed by a Black Salve (Bloodrood and Zinc Chloride) rinse, and then finalized with a turmeric application. More information to follow.

Eschartotic Treatments – They Work!

During my research I found a woman on YouTube who said she used escarotic therapy to heal her HPV in cervical dysplasia. I immediately googled the treatment type and found a doctor in Milwaukee offering this service. He had pictures of women’s cervixes showing the progression of healing. I sent the website to my father, who looked up this doctor and we decided he was not the doctor I needed to go to for this type of therapy. Despite finding the wrong doctor, I knew that I had found the right treatment, and that I needed to find a practitioner as soon as humanly possible. After searching the internet, I found a comment in an HPV Forum about a woman getting escarotic treatment from a midwife in Leander, Texas. Leander is over an hour from me, but it’s much closer than Milwaukee!

I found the midwife, who does not have this treatment listed anywhere on her website. I took a gamble, and reached out. She responded and told me she was available to help.

On the day of my first treatment I had completed 12 douches with MMS. She told me my cervix looked like I had already had five or six escarotic treatments. This is how I know the MMS was working! I went ahead and began the escarotic treatment. She took pictures of my cervix before and after treatment. These pictures are graphic, obviously, and made me feel so sad for my body. No wonder I had abnormal bleeding! I essentially had an open wound on my cervix.

I did an MMS flush once during my escharotics treatment, and decided that was too much happening at once and discontinued the MMS flushes while I was on the escarotic protocol.

Week after week, I drove out to Leander. The midwife would put on a bromelaine solution, heat the cervix under a heat lamp, then apply the escarotic solution. The escarotic solution is made of black salve which is made from blood root, and zinc chloride. After rinsing off the bloodroot solution she would apply to tumeric to the cervix. She would take before and after photos of the cervix. The before photos showed the inflammation I was walking around every day with, and the after photos showed what she referred to as “light up”, which is where the dysplastic cells would turn a bright white or yellow. It’s very similar to how the OBGYN uses a vinegar solution to show the dysplastic cells on your cervix.

After 11 treatments I had a few weeks to rest my cervix before I returned to the OBGYN for a follow-up coloscopy and visual inspection. Initially the OBGYN told me it looked like it had gotten worse and spread into the cervical canal. She pressured me to get a vaccine, which I did not do, and told me I was being very risky by engaging in these escarotic treatments. I left her office crying and feeling very afraid. Lo and behold, I got a phone call a few days later informing me that I no longer had cervical dysplasia! I still had some atypical cells, but nothing diagnosable. The treatment worked 🙂 she suggested I continue the eschoratic treatment a few more times just to ensure everything has stabilized.

So there you have it! I cured my cervical dysplasia with alternative and at home treatments! It is possible to heal the highest grade of cervical dysplasia with escarotic and MMS treatments without the need to have a LEEP procedure! Of course everyone’s circumstances are different, I am not a doctor, what I am saying is not intended to treat or diagnose anybody of anything. Do your own research! I knew deep in my core that this was a solution that would work for me. I followed the clues and landed in a wonderful healed place 🙂

The Final Healing

The most exciting part about all of this is that it was the last piece of the puzzle to fully feeling healed from my first abusive marriage. This was the energetic work I needed to rid the disease of hostility and toxicity from my body and my life! It allowed me to set strong boundaries that honored and protected my body. Which now include doing less driving to the public school he has enrolled the children in, over 30 minutes away from my home. With our current schedule if I hadn’t stood firm a second time and refused to do so much driving, I would have to drive 4 to 5 hours every Monday and Tuesday to get my children to and from public school and my oldest daughter to and from dance.

When I first approached him about making a shift he refused, and essentially said the government requires the schedule of us therefore, I must do it. After contacting my lawyer I realize the only place I had any power was to say okay, our daughter cannot go to dance. It was heart-wrenching for me to have to say this, but it was the only way that I could keep myself and our now 3-year-old daughter out of the car for 4 to 5 hours a day on Mondays and Tuesdays. I stood my ground, and he finally accommodated a more flexible schedule, and our daughter is not only still in dance, but is assistant teaching and dance!

I will never allow another human being to have so much authority over the way I feel or the way I function in life ever again. I am no longer afraid of him. I am no longer controlled by him. And this was the most empowering part of the process of healing for me. I healed CIN3 stage 3 cervical dysplasia by myself, on my own terms, and that is how I’m going to live the rest of my life!



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