My Story

Conversation with Alma Sommer – Surviving Domestic Violence in the Liberty Community
00:00:03:08 – 00:00:25:10CatherineHi, everybody. This is Catherine Bleish Bonandin with And today we are doing a very special video with a very, very long

How I Healed HPV 16 and Cervical Dysplasia Naturally – No LEEP Procedure, No vaccine!
Over the course of 2023 I began to have irregular cycles and began to bleed when I shouldn’t. After one particular episode in March my

Porcfest Panel 2024: Walk the Walk 00:25Caterina BonandinAll right, welcome, everybody. This is a panel called how to walk the walk, and we have some Porcfest and Anarchapulco OGs in

Protected: Homeschool Hypocrite: The John Bush Controversy
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Blessed: A Life Design
Blessings, come when we create a life intentionally designed to receive them. Creating a blessed life takes planning, fortitude, and perseverance.

Part Two of Family Court Lessons with Catherine Bleish Bonandin and Angel J Storm Ph.D.
Here’s the transcript for this second part: 00:01Angel J StormWelcome back to part two of my interview with Cat. If you haven’t checked out part

Part One of Family Court Lessons with Catherine Bleish Bonandin and Angel J Storm Ph.D.
Catherine shares her story about family court and how she lost her rights advocating for her dyslexic son against the cofounder of Freedom Cells.

Anarchapulco 2024: Innerstanding Coercive Control, a Sovereign Living Presentation
Catherine Bleish tells stories from her upcoming book Memoirs of a Radical. Activism arrests, domestic violence and advocating for her dyslexia son in family court.

2023’s Hard-Earned Wisdom: Closing the Chapter on a 9-Year Cycle
2023 was an amazingly complicated year. High highs and major lessons learned. The end of a 9 year cycle for Cat. Chickens, roller blading, kayaking, and travel made up a lot of our year. And dance!

Soulful Interiors: Reflections from the Book ‘Shelter for the Spirit’
One of my favorite books that I read in 2023 is Shelter for the Spirit. As a homesteader who works from home and homeschools, my

Embracing My Reading Challenges: A Personal Tale of Overcoming Dyslexia
My mom would sit at the kitchen table and do reading flash cards with me. I would cry. The written language was so hard for

Liberty For Sale – Watch Out!
Freedom SELLS! Do the salesmen walk the walk or just talk the talk? There are wolves in sheep’s clothing, can you see them hidden in plain sight?