Mama Bear’s Reading Den

Hi, my name is Catherine Wilder – I am a dyslexic mom to a dyslexic Sun and I offer reading intervention for home-schooled dyslexic students and struggling readers. I have completed the Barton Reading System at-home training and I am currently studying to become a CALT (Certified Academic Language Therapist) through the Rawson Saunders Institute in Austin, Texas. As a home-school mother I became acutely aware of how difficult it is to find a reading interventionist in Bastrop County, Texas. After I spent months trying to find someone who was both local and not busy teaching in public school during the school year, I decided to become that person myself!

If you are a home-school mom (or dad!) with a child who is struggling to learn to read – I might be able to help! I identified early on that my son was not learning to read at the pace of a non-dyslexic child. I spent years advocating for his testing and finally obtained a positive diagnosis through our local school district. Did you know that Texas schools will test your home-schooled child for learning disabilities FOR FREE and will also provide follow up services.? Many home-schoolers are not fans of the public school system (myself included), and there are absolutely private diagnostic clinics in the Austin area who can service you for a fee. In my case I could not talk the father of my Sun into testing any other way.

I am currently teaching practicum hours at the Greenbriar Community School in Bastrop County, and will be available for one on one or small group tutoring starting in December of 2023. If this is a service you are interested, please join my wait list here: